IIFE for Simulating Enums in JavaScript

  • by Haozheng Li

In JavaScript development, we often encounter situations where we need to define a set of named constants that represent a type or category of values. Enums (enumerations) are a common way to achieve this. However, JavaScript doesn't natively support enums as some other programming languages do. Instead, we can use techniques like Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) to simulate enums. In this blog post, we'll dive into what IIFE is, what enums are, and how to use IIFE to create enums in JavaScript.

What is an IIFE?

An Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) is a function that is defined and executed immediately after its creation. The syntax for an IIFE typically looks like this:

(function() {
  // Code here runs immediately

Or, with an arrow function:

(() => {
  // Code here runs immediately

The key characteristic of an IIFE is that it creates a new scope, which can be useful for encapsulating variables and avoiding polluting the global scope.

What is an Enum and Why Use It?

An enum (short for "enumeration") is a data structure that consists of a set of named values. These named values are usually constants representing a category or a set of related options. Enums are useful for several reasons:

  1. Readability: Enums make the code more readable by providing meaningful names for constant values.
  2. Maintainability: Enums group related constants together, making the code easier to maintain and update.
  3. Type Safety: In some programming languages, enums can provide type safety by restricting the values that a variable can take.

For example, an enum for different user roles might look like this in a language that natively supports enums:

enum UserRole {

Using IIFE to Simulate Enums in JavaScript

Since JavaScript does not have a built-in enum type, we can use an IIFE to create a similar structure. Here’s an example:

export let UserRole;

(function (UserRole) {
  UserRole['ADMIN'] = 'admin';
  UserRole['USER'] = 'user';
  UserRole['GUEST'] = 'guest';
})(UserRole || (UserRole = {}));

This code uses an IIFE to immediately define and assign values to the UserRole object. Let’s break it down:

  1. export let UserRole; declares a variable UserRole.
  2. The IIFE (function (UserRole) { ... })(UserRole || (UserRole = {})); takes UserRole as an argument and assigns values to its properties.
  3. UserRole['ADMIN'] = 'admin'; sets the ADMIN property of UserRole to the string 'admin'.

IIFE vs. Direct Assignment

You might wonder why we use an IIFE instead of a simpler direct assignment. Here’s a comparison:

Direct Assignment

export const UserRole = {
  ADMIN: 'admin',
  USER: 'user',
  GUEST: 'guest'


export let UserRole;

(function (UserRole) {
  UserRole['ADMIN'] = 'admin';
  UserRole['USER'] = 'user';
  UserRole['GUEST'] = 'guest';
})(UserRole || (UserRole = {}));

Differences and Benefits

  1. Complex Initialization: The IIFE pattern allows for more complex initialization logic. For example, you can conditionally add properties based on some criteria.
  2. Variable Reuse: If UserRole already exists, the IIFE can add to the existing object instead of overwriting it. This can be useful in larger applications where enums might be defined across multiple files.
  3. Encapsulation: The IIFE creates a scope that helps encapsulate the enum creation logic, preventing accidental modifications from outside the function.

Using an IIFE to simulate enums in JavaScript provides flexibility and encapsulation, which can be particularly useful in larger applications. While direct assignment is simpler and more readable for straightforward cases, the IIFE pattern offers additional capabilities for complex scenarios. Understanding these techniques allows developers to choose the right approach based on their specific needs.

By leveraging IIFE and understanding its benefits, you can create robust and maintainable code, even in a language like JavaScript that doesn’t have built-in support for enums.

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